News On The Hill
This section is to inform our readers on what goes on up the hill.
Democracy Fest 24
For the second year in a row , Benjamin E Mays High School Hosted Democracy Fest 24 . Students from Therrell And Washington High School attend Democracy Fest at Mays high school . The gym was full of energy with students from different schools on every bleachers jumping and tearing the walls down . The Atlanta mayor , Andre Dickens, an alumni from Mays high school, had a surprise visit during the fest . The Atlanta Mayor, Andre Dickens, and an alumni from Mays High School were in full force. They swag-surfed with the students to show solidarity and encouraged them to register to vote. The democracy fest started with the battle of the bands Mays vs Therrell . There was no competition when it came to Mays band , their band had the whole student body cheering for them . We also had a “ pie in the face “ trivia question for the PS5s . Sponsors gave away Democracy t-shirts, the Atlanta Hawks threw out black t-shirts with Hawk logos, Atlanta Braves threw away hats, and the Atlanta United gave away flags.
-Durayah Harris